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And so she wrote a blog ...... again.

About this time every year, I take some much-needed time away from my jobs (the one where I get paid and the other - where I raise my daughters). After the whirlwind of Christmas, I focus on slowing down and remembering who I am and why I do all of the things I do. Invariably this leads me back to my love of words and photos and the desire to immerse myself back into the world of writing.

Not surprisingly January often sees me start a new blog. The high I get from being able to ruminate and 'just ponder' life makes my fingers itch to hit the keyboard. But then the year moves on and I find myself busy. The job I love takes up a lot of time and "people energy". My "little women" need to be taken to their jobs, listened to, and supported through their sporting endeavors. With no time to process or think, my blogging mojo quickly deserts me and another blog arrives with a thud at the front doors of Wordsworth Funeral Home. It's a shame. I know I'm letting myself down. I know I should respect the joy writing brings me - all year around. But alas, this is life and balance is almost impossible to achieve.

So this year I thought I'd do something different. Sure, yes I am starting a blog (again) but this year there are no expectations. Nothing. None. Nada. Nil. This space is just for fun ( A space for me - to use when the need strikes as much or as little as I like. A place to record the joys of middle-aged me. My insights, recipes, challenges, and stories. You may not see me much - but then maybe you will. Who knows what the year will bring?

Let's just let 2023 roll and see exactly how it pans out.

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